Mathieu Lenaerts

Let me guide you through beautiful Tongeren

I am an "alive and kicking" retired teacher and carillonneur in Tongeren. more about me

Guided tour of Tongeren, Belgium's oldest city

Are you looking for a freelance guide for a 2-hour tour of Belgium's oldest city, for the story of Ambiorix' ruse and the problems that Caesar had with him?

Would you like to know all about Roman walls, Medieval ramparts and the Moerenpoort? About the Beguinage, the old and new Motten ? Are you fascinated by the Basilica , our bijou with its organs, carillon, "ommegang" and other treasures?

Or do you still enjoy a small dessert, named "Töngers" with "botties" and "trabatten"?

A guided visit to the Gallo-Roman Museum is also possible.

  • Tour of 2 hours
  • Dutch, French or English
  • Price € 70 (basic Tongan Guides rate)
Guide Mathieu Lenaerts
Rode Kruislaan 40
3700 Tongeren
+32 478 432973
  • Former teacher of Latin, Greek, culture, music and aesthetics in Viio Tongeren-Borgloon between 1979 and 2019
  • City Carillonneur
  • City Guide

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